Moniz calls for early Biden climate action

Incoming President Joe Biden’s approach to the U.S. response to global warming “has to come with a substantial package” of early executive actions, Ernest Moniz (once and future energy secretary?) told a Washington webinar Tuesday. He said the Biden agenda should include a policy to “roll back the roll-backs” of the Trump years. Moniz, 75,… More Moniz calls for early Biden climate action

New EPA cost-benefit rule a “paper tiger”

The Trump administration’s latest attempt to subvert use of cost-benefit analysis in regulatory proceedings, a Dec. 9 rulemaking on air pollution rules, is a “paper tiger,” according to veteran environmental economist at the venerable think tank Resources for the Future Alan Krupnick. At a fortuitous RFF zoom meeting on cost-benefit analysis just a day after… More New EPA cost-benefit rule a “paper tiger”

Are competitive electricity markets and nukes incompatible?

In the U.S., argues economist and nuclear power advocate Edward Kee, nuclear power plants and competitive electricity markets can’t work together. In a new book, Market Failure: Market-Based Electricity is Killing Nuclear Power, Kee, head of the Nuclear Economics Consulting Group, writes, “The biggest threat faced by nuclear power is from a market approach to… More Are competitive electricity markets and nukes incompatible?

Vogtle will miss its 2021 service date; Santee Cooper generates more controversy

Georgia Power’s troubled two-unit Vogtle nuclear construction project, currently scheduled for completion of the first unit in November of 2021, is unlikely to meet that timeline, according to Engineering News-Record. Testimony filed with the Georgia Public Service Commission by its Vogtle Monitoring Group found, “Since inception of the project in 2009, all [Integrated Project Schedule] iterations… More Vogtle will miss its 2021 service date; Santee Cooper generates more controversy