Does Constellation + Calpine = monopoly power?

Is monopoly power coming to the independent, non-utility generating sector of the electricity business? A recent analysis from the University of California, Berkeley’s Energy Institute at Haas says the recent mega-merger of Constellation Energy and CalpineCorp. gives the combined company the ability to assert market power in several major electricity markets. On Jan. 10, Baltimore-based… More Does Constellation + Calpine = monopoly power?

Texas, Utah, and SMR developer attack NRC small reactor licensing

Are small modular nuclear reactors so inherently safe they don’t require U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission review before they are built? That’s the claim Texas, Utah, and D.C.-based Last Energy, Inc. made in federal court late last year (Dec. 30). The two states and the developer of a 20-MW(e) reactor design asked the U.S. District Court… More Texas, Utah, and SMR developer attack NRC small reactor licensing

NRC warns Holtec about its ambitious Palisades restart schedule

Holtec International this month (Jan. 14) got a “hold on there, Sparky” warning from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Holtec officials met with NRC staff to discuss plans for dealing with the steam generator problems at the shuttered Palisades nuclear plant in Michigan before Holtec can restart the 805-MW Combustion Engineering pressurized water reactor that… More NRC warns Holtec about its ambitious Palisades restart schedule

Commentary: Abolish the Department of Energy

By Kennedy Maize When Denver energy businessman Chris Wright becomes the next energy secretary, he’s going to discover something few Americans know, including Donald Trump and his purported efficiency czars, the DOGE dopes Musk and Ramaswamy: the U.S. Department of Energy has very little to do with energy. While self-proclaimed conservative budget cutters in GOP… More Commentary: Abolish the Department of Energy

Fusion for Virginia? Big claims and serious doubts

Is fusion energy, for some the holy grail of electric generation, just around the corner at a rural Virginia site? Boston-based startup Commonwealth Fusion Systems is making that claim and drawing a lot of favorable attention. The company’s claims may be hyperbolic. The young company’s announcement, highly optimistic in tone, got considerable buzz, mostly uncritical. The… More Fusion for Virginia? Big claims and serious doubts

Arctic drilling auction comes up empty…again

By Kennedy Maize Donald Trump’s empty “drill, baby, drill” mantra has come up short just days before he will be sworn in as U.S. president. A long-stymied auction for the right to drill for oil on Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), ordered by 2017 tax legislation Congress passed at Trump’s urging, has drawn no… More Arctic drilling auction comes up empty…again