FERC Winter Storm Report: Congress Needs to Act

Natural gas infrastructure – pipelines, producing wells, and generating plants – were the chief culprits in Winter Storm Elliott last Christmas “that contributed to power outages for millions of electricity customers in the Eastern half of the country,” the staff of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the North American Electric Reliability Corp. found in… More FERC Winter Storm Report: Congress Needs to Act

IEEFA Pans Dominion Resource Plan

Dominion Energy’s latest integrated resource plan (IRP) for its Virginia electric utility raises more questions than it answers, according to a new analysis by the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis. Veteran analyst Dennis Wamsted recommends that the Virginia State Corporation Commission, the state’s utility regulator, reject the plan unless the Richmond-based company makes… More IEEFA Pans Dominion Resource Plan

Is NuScale Headed for Collapse?

NuScale Power [NYSE:SMR], the nation’s most mature purveyor of small modular nuclear power plants, has lost its only valid customer, raising doubts about the Oregon company’s continued existence. The company announced Wednesday (Nov. 8) that Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems (UAMPS) has cancelled its contract for the “Carbon Free Power Project” after being unable to… More Is NuScale Headed for Collapse?

Mainers Chop Down Pine Tree Power

Voters in Maine yesterday (Nov. 7) resoundingly rejected creating a statewide public power system to replace the Pine Tree State’s two investor-owned electric distribution utilities, CMP and Versant. Question 3 on the statewide ballot would have created Pine Tree Power Co., a state-wide transmission and distribution retail utility governed by an elected board. The new… More Mainers Chop Down Pine Tree Power

Texas, Maine Face Billion Dollar Ballots Tuesday

Texas and Maine voters tomorrow (Nov. 7) face contested energy-related ballot initiatives with billion dollar price tags. In Texas, Proposition 7 would amend the state constitution to create a $10 billion Texas Energy Fund, administered by the Public Utility Commission of Texas, to build and refurbish gas-fired electric generating plants, a response to the state’s… More Texas, Maine Face Billion Dollar Ballots Tuesday

Alabama Power, TVA Face Big Coal Ash Cleanup Costs

In a long-running environmental dispute between the federal government and the state of Alabama, Alabama Power, a Southern Co. utility, is facing potential costs of billions of dollars to clean up its coal ash ponds. Disposing of coal combustion residues is a problem going back decades, and Alabama Power is likely to become the most… More Alabama Power, TVA Face Big Coal Ash Cleanup Costs

Georgia Power Goes Big on Gas

Georgia Power, the largest of Atlanta-based holding company Southern Co. utilities, has unveiled an updated integrated resource plan (IRP) almost certain to generate new controversy for a utility mired in controversy for more than a decade over its investment in large, new nuclear units. The company’s push for new natural gas generation will generate new… More Georgia Power Goes Big on Gas

Transmission Tales: PG&E Underground, Texas Transmission Autarky, State Interconnection Rules

San Francisco’s Pacific Gas & Electric – devastated by recent wildfires – is looking to bury some 10,000 miles of electric transmission lines over the next decade in order to prevent its often elderly overhead equipment from starting fires, at a cost of $15 billion to $30 billion, according to NBC Bay Area News. The… More Transmission Tales: PG&E Underground, Texas Transmission Autarky, State Interconnection Rules

National Academies: No Transmission, No Transition

“Perhaps the single greatest risk to a successful energy transition during the 2020s is the risk that the nation fails to site, modernize, and build out the electrical grid.” That is a conclusion of a major National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine report released last Friday (Oct. 19). The report added, “Except where new… More National Academies: No Transmission, No Transition