Clean Energy Isn’t Killing Coal, Still World Champ

In the worldwide battle for electric generation, coal isn’t down and out. It isn’t even on the ropes. According to World Energy Data (formerly BP’s data collection report), coal is still the champ. In 2022, coal accounted for 35.4% of global electric generation, followed by natural gas (22.7%), hydro (14.9%), nuclear (9.2%), wind (7.2%), solar… More Clean Energy Isn’t Killing Coal, Still World Champ

White House-House GOP Permitting Dispute Erupts

A proposed federal environmental and energy permitting rule by a White House agency could scuttle a separate but related energy permitting deal negotiated earlier this year by President Biden and congressional Republicans. The Council on Environmental Quality, part of the Executive Office of the President, on July 31 published its “Phase 2” of a rulemaking… More White House-House GOP Permitting Dispute Erupts

GAO Examines Big Transformer Issues, DOE Response

The U.S. Department of Energy isn’t doing enough to help electric utilities face potential shortages of large power transformers (LPTs), which could jeopardize reliability of the nation’s high-voltage transmission grid, according to a new report from the Government Accountability Office. GAO is the Congressional watchdog agency that reviews executive branch agency performance. In its August… More GAO Examines Big Transformer Issues, DOE Response

Senate DOD Money Bill Includes Extended Price-Anderson Civilian Nuke Subsidy

The massive, bipartisan Senate’s “National Defense Authorization Act” includes major changes to the regulation of civilian nuclear power by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Department of Energy, including a 20-year extension of the controversial Price-Anderson insurance subsidy for nuclear power plants. The Senate DOD bill, which passed 86-11, includes the entire “Accelerating Deployment… More Senate DOD Money Bill Includes Extended Price-Anderson Civilian Nuke Subsidy

FERC Revolutionizes Grid Interconnection Process

In what could be its most significant action in the last 20 years, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission last Thursday (July 27) ordered a revolution in how new electric generation and storage can apply to get onto the transmission grid. The new approach to streamline grid interconnection — Order 2023 – (order nomenclature at FERC… More FERC Revolutionizes Grid Interconnection Process

Pipelines a CCS Bottleneck?

A familiar, ubiquitous, even mundane technology – underground pipelines – could be the show stopper for the Biden administration’s ambitious plans to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from fossil-fueled electric power plants. Biden’s Environmental Protection Agency is counting on carbon capture and sequestration – pulling the CO2 out of the flue gas and burying it in… More Pipelines a CCS Bottleneck?