Energy Winners and Losers in the Omnibus Appropriations

The fiscal year 2022 omnibus spending bill that Congress passed late last year before adjourning for the holidays, providing federal executive branch agencies some $1.5 trillion in funding through September 2023, contains a lot of money for energy programs. But it also causes heartburn among some electricity interests for what it does not contain. First,… More Energy Winners and Losers in the Omnibus Appropriations

South Africa’s Electric Energy Mess: Chronic, Major Load Shedding

Last month, South Africa’s state-owned electric utility Eskom reported a chimney failure at one of the operational units at the partially completed, six-unit 4.8 GW Kusile coal-fired power plant. Kusile, under construction since 2009, has four 800 MW units in commercial service, according to Wikipedia. Two are still under construction. The failed flue gas stack… More South Africa’s Electric Energy Mess: Chronic, Major Load Shedding

Rocky Mountain RTO?

A regional wholesale electricity market would benefit Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico largely, according to a new study for the Washington-based business group Advanced Energy Economy. AEE is a broad-based coalition of firms across many industries that support a transition to 100% clean energy and electrified transportation. A western regional transmission organization (RTO) comprised of… More Rocky Mountain RTO?

TVA: New Gas to Replace Old Coal Plant

The federal government’s Tennessee Valley Authority will replace one of its large and elderly coal-fired power plants with a new combined-cycle natural gas generator, rejecting pleas from environmentalists for a replacement with renewables. The nation’s largest public utility, TVA is moving away from coal, once its dominant source of power, in order to reduce carbon… More TVA: New Gas to Replace Old Coal Plant

Archive, Oct. 24: Germany Keeps Nukes Working

The German cabinet, following the lead of Chancellor Olaf Scholz, has approved continued operation of the country’s final three operating nuclear power plants, in the face of continuing problems in receiving Russian natural gas. The three units can continue running until 15 April 2023 at the latest, demonstrating that Germany has not jettisoned its long-term… More Archive, Oct. 24: Germany Keeps Nukes Working

Archive, Oct. 26: IAEA Bans Russia from Meeting

The International Atomic Energy Agency, responding to U.S. concerns, has barred Russia from attending this week’s fifth IAEA International Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Power in the 21st Century, to be held in Washington, D.C. this week. Bloomberg reported last week, “The International Atomic Energy Agency confirmed Thursday that executives from Rosatom Corp. and Russia’s industry… More Archive, Oct. 26: IAEA Bans Russia from Meeting