Holtec Wants to Turn Coal Plants into Nukes

Riffing on the great American philosopher Lawrence “Yogi” Berra, it’s déjà vu all over again, but backwards. Holtec International, perhaps the most ambitious nuclear-oriented company ever, says it can use its aspirational small nuclear reactor, SMR-160, to repurpose coal-fired power plants. The Holtec SMR design is for a 160-MW pressurized light-water reactor, still in the… More Holtec Wants to Turn Coal Plants into Nukes

Should UAMPS Scuttle NuScale Nukes for Cheaper Geothermal?

Could the municipal utility members of Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems (UAMPS) that have committed to the NuScale small nuclear reactor project save significant money by dumping the unproven nuclear technology and sign up for available and new geothermal-generated electricity from local investor-owned utility, NV Energy? That’s the case made in a recent paper from… More Should UAMPS Scuttle NuScale Nukes for Cheaper Geothermal?

Space-based Solar: Fusion from the Source?

Is there a better way to employ fusion to make clean, green electricity for the Earth than giant machines, incredibly difficult temperatures to manage, neutron fluxes to dodge and shield? Researchers at the California Institute of Technology are reviving an old, heretofore implausible, concept: go into space and capture the Sun’s fusion energy directly with… More Space-based Solar: Fusion from the Source?

Journal Article Challenges Global Warming Basics

Think the basic science of climate change – accelerating global warming from man-made greenhouse gases showing itself clearly in the Earth’s climate record – is settled? It might be time to think again. A team of climate scientists from the University of Oxford in the U.K. and the US government’s National Center for Atmospheric Research,… More Journal Article Challenges Global Warming Basics

Energy Winners and Losers in the Omnibus Appropriations

The fiscal year 2022 omnibus spending bill that Congress passed late last year before adjourning for the holidays, providing federal executive branch agencies some $1.5 trillion in funding through September 2023, contains a lot of money for energy programs. But it also causes heartburn among some electricity interests for what it does not contain. First,… More Energy Winners and Losers in the Omnibus Appropriations

South Africa’s Electric Energy Mess: Chronic, Major Load Shedding

Last month, South Africa’s state-owned electric utility Eskom reported a chimney failure at one of the operational units at the partially completed, six-unit 4.8 GW Kusile coal-fired power plant. Kusile, under construction since 2009, has four 800 MW units in commercial service, according to Wikipedia. Two are still under construction. The failed flue gas stack… More South Africa’s Electric Energy Mess: Chronic, Major Load Shedding